Ol’ Johnson was pretty critical of the new 118th Congress… comparing them to a bunch of dancing monkeys.
Haven’t changed my mind on that… but I did do some statistical analysis on the religious beliefs of the new Congress… thought I’d share them with you.
Christians make up 88% of the voting members of the new 118th Congress being sworn in on Jan. 3 – only a few percentage points lower than the Christian share of Congress in the early 1970s.
I liked the national culture in the early 1970s. I felt like I was part of a great nation moving forward to carry on the goals and beliefs of those great men and women who made up the United States of America.
Then came 1976…Carter was “president” and the nation started sliding down the pipe.
The nation rallied and elected President Ronald Reagan.
In the 96th Congress, which was in session in 1979-1980, 91% of members of Congress identified as Christian.
All of these facts have nothing to do at all with the current state of our nation… and what’s in store for us AMERICANS.
God help us!
Johnson Long