Bipartisan Infrastructure Status 2023

The Biden-Harris Administration has already failed to follow through on its promise to deliver results by rebuilding our roads, bridges, ports, and airports,
upgrading public transit and rail systems, replacing lead pipes to provide clean water, cleaning up pollution, providing affordable, high-speed internet to every family in America, delivering cheaper and cleaner energy, and creating good-paying jobs….. but they did manage to spend $180 billion of the 1.7 trillion omnibus bi-partisan bill passed in 2022 before the mid-term elections.

This $180 billion goes unnoticed as most of the nearby Interstate Highway systems in Indiana still remain literally beat to shit.  I-65, I-69, I-70, and I-74 to mention a few.  Truckers and commercial travelers, please feel free to jump in on this!

All major airports in the entire USA have degenerated to the point where safe, reliable air travel is no longer a given.  Recently, reports of near misses of airliners and commercial air traffic are a regular occurrence.  The level of safety in both pilots and air controllers has been gutted by “diversity” in hiring and scheduling programs.

Upgrading public transit can only be measured by one stupid and desperate enough to ride a subway or bus in any city in the US. 

Old, outdated, unsafe transport equipment coupled with rape, murder, theft and gang related terrorism continue to grow.  The lead pipe abatement program highly touted by the Biden Harris is working well, however.  Street gangs and Antifa find the lead pipes just the ticket for easily concealed weapons for riots and mayhem.

I’m going to jump past clean water, cleaning up pollution, providing affordable, high-speed internet to every family in America, delivering cheaper and cleaner energy, and creating good-paying jobs… because we know that is total bullshit.

The last major electric generating plant was built in 2013… yes… that’s 10 years ago… 10 years of added load to an already shaky nationwide power supply system.  At the date of this writing… there are NO plans to build another.  It takes over 7 years to build a large generating plant.. so that will bring us to 2030 with no new base load plants.

Well…. I needed to take a break from Chinese balloons and mass shootings.  Hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I did writing it.

Johnson Long



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